Please contact us by phone of contact form below your quote.

Phone: (505) 243-1757

Enter Quantity of your order
Field is required!
Field is required!
Delivery Time (Working days)
Enter Delivery Time in Days
Field is required!
Field is required!
Number of Layers
  • - select a option for Number of Layers -
  • 1 Layer
  • 2 Layers
  • 3 Layers
  • 4 Layers
  • 5 Layers
  • 6 Layers
  • 7 Layers
  • 8 Layers
  • 9 Layers
  • 10 Layers
  • 11 Layers
  • 12 Layers
  • 13 Layers
  • 14 Layers
  • 15 Layers
  • 16 Layers
- select a option for Number of Layers -
Field is required!
Field is required!
Board Length
Board Length
Field is required!
Field is required!
Board Width
Board Width
Field is required!
Field is required!
Finished Thickness
  • - select a option for Finished Thickness-
  • 0.031
  • 0.062
  • 0.093
  • 0.125
  • 0.138
- select a option for Finished Thickness-
Field is required!
Field is required!
Thickness (If Other)
Enter thickness if you choose other above
Field is required!
Field is required!
Material Preferred
  • - select a option for Preferred Material -
  • FR4
- select a option for Preferred Material -
Field is required!
Field is required!
Other Material
Enter Material if you selected Other
Field is required!
Field is required!
Finished Copper Weight External Layers
  • - select a option for Finished Copper Weight -
  • 1/2 OZ
  • 1 OZ
  • 2 OZ
  • 3 OZ
  • 4 OZ
- select a option for Finished Copper Weight -
Field is required!
Field is required!
Internal Layers
  • - select a option for Internal Layers-
  • 1/2 OZ
  • 1 OZ
  • 2 OZ
  • 3 OZ
  • 4 OZ
- select a option for Internal Layers-
Field is required!
Field is required!
Smallest Hole Size
Enter Smallest Hole Size
Field is required!
Field is required!
Largest Hole Size
Enter Largest Hole Size
Field is required!
Field is required!
Min Trace Width
Enter Min Trace Width
Field is required!
Field is required!
Min Space Width
Enter Min Space Width
Field is required!
Field is required!
Finish Type
  • - Select a option for Finish Type -
  • Tin SMOBC
  • Tin Lead SMOBC
  • Immersion Gold
  • Immersion Silver
  • Electroplated Gold and Nickel
- Select a option for Finish Type -
Field is required!
Field is required!
Contact Name*
Enter Contact Name
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Field is required!
Phone Number *
Enter Phone Number to Contact
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Field is required!
Contact Email*
Enter valid Email Address to Contact
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Field is required!
Upload File (5MB Max)
Upload your files..(5MB Max) - .jpg, .pdf, .zip, .gif
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